That's kind of a oxymoron of a title, but I promise you it is positive. I look back on 2013 and I was in many senses a failure, but that's ok. We all are at some point and as long as we learn something and are stronger in the end then life is making us better. I have learned that I can be my own worst enemy. I need to stop giving up on my dreams, and I need to be more realistic. So, as I start 2014, I have many less tangible goals. I hate intangible goals because then how can I asses them come December 31? It's simple, keep moving forward. By the way, I realize it's January 2, but who starts resolutions on a holiday? Not me! I consider January 2nd my first day.
So, what do I want to do this year? First, I want to realize a healthier me. It's starting with a WHOLE 30 this month, and moving toward not having such a diabolical relationship with food. I use food for many reasons other than nourishment and I want a better and less reliant relationship with food. I want to understand it for the only purpose it has, and that is nourishment. I don't need it to socialize, to console myself, or to distract myself. Whew! That's a big goal, but I have been down this road before and I think I can do it.
Second, I am going to continue my education toward becoming a PA. That may diverge into other roads, but I know I want a career in the health field, and I need to stop stalling here in my current job.
Third, I want to be a better me. It can look different through out the year, but each week, 52 of them, I am going to do a challenge. It should be fun and keep things interesting! This week's is to meal plan for the month :)! Fun, right? Maybe not, but I'll have something else to do next week :)
I like the idea of a new year. I know 80% of people don't stick to their resolutions, but January 1, or 2 in my book, starts us all afresh mentally and gives us a reason to keep TRYING to be better. And just because 80% fail, does that mean that the other 20% shouldn't try? Nope! We all should try and I am going to give it my best!
Cheers to another healthy and happy year :)!